Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spring Planting

I managed to get a few things planted before the rain the other day and good thing to.  While the daily rain and gray skies don't do much for me personally, the garden loves it to get new things started.

So far I've planted the following;
Cucumbers - for pickles



Tomatoes - 5 different kinds (all Heirlooms)


Lettuce (Romain, Boston, Red leaf and Butter Crunch)


Bell Peppers (red, orange and green)
Yukon Gold Potatoes

Squash - Spaghetti, Acorn, Butternut and Scalloped

Carrots - the short variety because my bed isn't very deep.

Herbs: (Parsley, Lemon Verbena, Basil, Rosemary - to replace the one that dies), Stevia and Dill).

I still have green beens and marigolds to plant.  And I also have a few garlic plants that lived through the winter,  There's also Orengano and Thyme in the herb bed that made it through winter.

I'm still waiting for the asparagus bed to produce something worth eating.  This is year three and I was hoping for more sprouts but only got a few and I'm letting them grow out.  Hopefully next year there will be some for eating.

It looks like a long list but I don't plant very many of each and I do companion planting in raised beds so I can crowd my plants a bit.  With chickens, quail and now goats I have lots of manure and compost to add to my beds. I do fall composting directly in my plant beds so by spring the soil is full of nutrients and ready for more plants.  I hate turning the compost. Look for my next post "The lazy composter".

I plant the marigolds in every bed to help keep the pests away.  They don't like the smell, neither do I but they are pretty little flowers and the color in nice in the mostly green beds.

That leaves me with one 4 x 10 ft bed with nothing in it.  I'm sure I'll find something,  You can always use more Tomatoes if nothing else comes to mind.

If you haven't started your garden yet, or if you are just thinking about starting one, Now is a great time.  Big or small, one favorite veg or a bunch of different things like me.  Dig a hole, plant something.

Leave me comments if you have ideas on what to put in my last bed.

Next is the flower beds and the containers on the desk.  Flowers? Vegetables? Herbs?  Or maybe a mixture of all.

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