Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Directions

As anyone who is more than 20 years old has probably already figured out... life sometimes changes directions.  Whether it's a new job, new career, growing family or just your blog, things change and head off in different directions.

No new job or career  and my nephew is expecting a second child so my extended family does continues to grow.  But it's my blog that is taking a new direction.  You can tell from the first few posts that I originally started this blog to diary my adventure into raising chickens.  Well I've decided to start an aquaponics project (fish and plants together), expand the garden with a few new beds and have been looking at plans to build a small green house.

Yes I have too much time on my hands.  But as I explore the world of food and how it gets to our tables I realize I like the idea of urban farming and taking control of that part of my life.  So much of our lives are out of our control or we simply don't think about it.  Well I've started to think about it.  And started to research it as you can tell from my previous posts.  And I don't really like what I'm finding out.

So I'm expanding this blog to include all of my adventures into urban farming and some of the other projects I do.  As you can see from the pictures spring is here in Kentucky and it's the perfect time to think about growing things like flowers, trees, vegetables, new born animals and green...oh so green grass. 

So follow my adventures and hopefully you can learn something new, be a bit entertained and just perhaps be inspired to explore your own adventure, whether it be raising chickens, starting a vegetable garden or simply learning more about where your food comes from and how it gets to your table.

Look for farmers markets in your area and support your local farmers.