Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chick Days

Chicks Chicks everywhere.  I've overdone it again this year ordering too many chicks.  So far I have the following chicks;
  • 25 Cornish Rock
  • 25 Mixed Brown Egg Layers
  • 10 Cuckoo Marans pullets
  • 10 Araucanas pullets
  • 6 Speckled Susex pullets
  • 32 Cream Legbar eggs in the incubator.
Add that to the 8 Red Stars, Creeam Legbar hen, Cream Legbar Rooster, Black Copper Marans hen, 2 Royal Palm turkeys and 3 White Midget turkeys.

Yes I realize it's a bit over board. But they are almost all pullets and they are easy to give away.

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