Monday, March 16, 2015

Sad and Gruesome

Chicken is the worlds number one source of protein.  More chickens are eaten than any other animal.  And I love the taste of chicken and wouldn't give it up for anything.  If you've seen some of my early posts you've seen the horrible way factory raised chickens are treated.

It was my hope that these videos were old and that the poultry industry had cleaned up it's act and I'm sure some of the processing plants have done a much better job than they did in the past.

But the reality is that factory chickens still live in horrible conditions and meet and cruel end just so we can enjoy chicken fingers, chicken wings and of course our Sunday dinner of roast chicken.

I have to warn you this video is pretty gruesome and illustrates that not every poultry processing plant has made improvements.

Do not show this to your children.  The date of this YouTube post is March 14, 2015.

Click on this link to watch the YouTube video.

The Way Chickens are Killed is Hell on Earth and Legal.

If you don't currently raise your own chickens for meat, consider it.  Do some research there's a lot out there.  You can start with my earlier posts and ask me any questions you have.  I'm happy to help.

While chickens will still have to die to provide us food, There's no reason their short lives have to be any harder than they have to be.  If you raise your own meat chickens you can decide how they live and how they die.  And yes it can be done humanely and with as little stress and anguish on the chicken and on you.

Take charge of the food you eat and responsibility for getting it to your table. 

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