Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sunday - Butterflied Garlic Oregano Chicken

Sunday is the day I pull a chicken out of the freezer and test my culinary and farming skills. Assuming I've done a good job of raising this chicken it should be tender, plump and tasty.

This Sunday was butterflied oregano and garlic chicken.
Take a teaspoon of garlic, a sprinkle of salt, some pepper, add as much oregano as you like (I used 3 teaspoons of fresh because it's growing well in my garden), mix with some soften butter and a drizzle or two of olive oil.   Smash it all together into a paste.  Use all butter or all olive oil if you like.  I like the taste butter gives, but the olive oil makes it smoother and is a bit healthier for you.

I butterflied the chicken to make it cook faster and more even.  Smear some on the underside, under the skin and top of the chicken.  Rub it in good.  Back at 325 until golden brown and internal temp is 170 degrees.  Take out and rest for 15 minutes, cut and server. 

Apparently I did a good job........Yum Yum Yum

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