Friday, March 15, 2013

Know what you put on your family's table

I work in the technology world, so researching online is a way of life for me.  I've spent more late night hours that I should researching both how to raise chickens and also how the poultry industry works.  

I would encourage you to do some of your own research.  A simple Google search will bring up a wealth of information.  There are lots of YouTube videos on the horrible way chickens are treated in the poultry industry.  And I'm sure a lot of it is true.  But I've also noticed that many of the available videos are several years old.  Some as old as 2002.  I would hope things have improved since then.

The kicker for me was the documentary called Food Inc.  You can watch the entire documentatry from this link.

It's a documentary about how the food industry in America is controlled by only a few mega corporations.  It shows not only how the poultry industry is controlled by big business but also the pork, beef and agricultural farming.  This film points out how the food industry is manipulated and resulting in healthy foods being more costly than high carb high sugar high fat foods.  Much of this explains the health and obesity issues lower income households are facing today.   Cheaper to feed your family bad food than good food.  Perhaps another reason to rasie some chickens or plant a garden.

Think about what you put on your family's table.  Know where your food comes from, how it is raised or grown as well as how it gets from farm to table.  It seems most Americans don't really care so long as the supermarkets are stocked with inexpensive food. When did we stop taking responsibility for ourselves and what we eat?

As an IT guy I know information is most precious thing to have, with it we can accomplish wonderful things.  Without it....... we are at the mercy of those with the information.

Be one of the people with the information.... it can change your life and the world.

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